Financial Resilience and recovery from inflation shock

Financial Resilience and recovery from inflation shock



Hungarian Economic Association, Public Finance Section (MKT Pénzügyi Szakosztály)

Hungarian Economic Association, Finance Section (MKT Államháztartási Szakosztály)

 date: 17. October 2024 (Thursday) 9:30-15:00

venue: Ludovika University of Public Service, Ludovika Main Building, Ceremonial Hall (Díszterem) (1082. Budapest, Ludovika tér 2., 2nd floor)

ONLY IN PRESENCE (no online broadcast)

Participation is free, but please, register.



10h-10.10 Opening speech by the Vice-Dean of Science, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies for

10.10-10.40 Keynote speech: László Vastag (National Bank of Hungary, executive director, Prudential and Consumer Supervision of Financial Market Institutions):

Financial resilience in banking after the inflation shock and anti-inflation policies

10.40-11.00 Coffee break

11h-11.50h Speaker Session I.

Peter Tóth (National Bank of Slovakia, University of Economics in Bratislava): Housholds' resilience: life satisfaction and inequality in Slovakia: Income, Consumption and Wealth

Svatopluk Kapounek (Mendel University, Brno): Financial Resilience and corporate financing

chair: Pál Péter Kolozsi (National Bank of Hungary, Ludovika University of Public Service)

11.50-12.30 Lunch break

12.30h-13.40h Speaker Session II.

Dorina Clichici (Senior Scientific Researcher at Institute for World Economy of the Romanian Academy): Monetary and fiscal policy resilience in the face of the recent inflationary shock: The case of Romania

Gábor Regős (Gránit Asset Management): Inflation and monetary policy – What can monetary policy do against inflation? Lessons from the last three years

Vivien Czeczeli (Ludovika University of Public Service): Global financial risk in eurodollar markets

chair: Gábor Kutasi (Ludovika University of Public Service)

13.40-14.00 Coffee break

14.00-15.00h Roundtable – Financial resilience under inflationary times

Peter Tóth, Svatopluk Kapounek, Dorina Clichici, Gábor Regős

chair: Vivien Czeczeli